Support Needed- Arrival and Dismissal Reminders

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Arrival and Dismissal Reminders

As the colder weather has arrived many families are choosing to drive their students to school. Given our school size of 700 students ages 2-9YO; keeping walker arrival and Kiss and Ride running smoothly and safely requires your support. 

Please take a moment to review the ground maps for allowed traffic flow and the linked Kiss and Ride rules.

The below bus loop map highlights the prohibited private vehicle path. The sidewalks along this path are used for our walkers and any vechile traffic duirng arrival and dismissal creates a safety concern. In addition please note that the parking lot located at Eaton Lane is dedicated for staff parking.

The Kiss and Ride map shows the strategic drive path for arrival and dismissal. Entry to Kiss 'N Ride is via Harrow Way and the line circles the parking lot to the designated Kiss and Ride Doors. 

It is important to note that at 8:40am the Kiss and Ride staff must enter the building and begin providing support and supervision to students. Any cars arriving after 8:40am, will need to park and sign their child in at the main office. 


5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Tuesday, Feb 18th

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Weekly Kings Park ES News

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

Thank you for Donating to the Canned Food Drive

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Kindness Week Food Drive! The Kings Park community’s generosity was truly remarkable. All donations will support ECHO, an all-volunteer charity dedicated to providing food and essential household items to those in need. 

FCPS Cares

FCPS Cares is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story so we can all acknowledge the good work of our Kings Park Elementary staff members.

Class Pictures and Individual Photos

Wednesday, Feb 26th for K and Third Grade 
Thursday, Feb 27th  for Grades 1 and 2.

Class Pictures and Individual Photos will be taken on February, 26th  for Kindergarten and Third Grade classes. Grades 1 and 2 photos will be taken on Thursday, February 27th. Information from Strawbridge Studios will be sent home in your student’s Take Home envelope on Friday, February 21st.

Class Pictures are $14.  If you choose to order a Class Picture, fill out the order form and send it back by Picture Day. Additional Class Picture Order Forms will be available in the office and on-line at

If you choose to order Individual Photos - send no money now (Individual Photos only). Strawbridge will send your student’s portrait back in a few weeks.  At that time, you can purchase the entire package or create your own combination of photos and return the non-purchased portraits back to Kings Park School.

Outstanding Employee Awards

We are delighted to celebrate this exceptional group of staff members who have been recognized for their outstanding contributions to our school. The nomination process was highly competitive, with many deserving individuals honored. We are grateful to have such dedicated team members at Kings Park, proudly representing our elementary school at the Pyramid Level.

Outstanding Operational Employee: Brenda Devine

Outstanding New Teacher of the Year: Allie Lukac

Outstanding Teacher of the Year: Naela Ahmed

Outstanding Professional Employee: Brittany Furman

Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28, 2025

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has issued a new, first-time waiver allowing students fasting during the school day from February 28 to March 28, 2025, to request take-home breakfast and lunch meal kits. The Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) will provide meal kits reflecting the school menu. Meals will be kept cold and must be heated at home. Students may claim one breakfast and one lunch kit per day. If a student purchases breakfast or lunch at school, they cannot pick up a kit that day. Meal kits must be picked up by students at the end of the school day—adults cannot collect them. Parents or guardians must submit a weekly request form via the FCPS FNS website by the deadlines:

  • February 24, 2025, for February 28 and the week of March 3, 2025
  • March 3, 2025, for the week of March 10, 2025
  • March 10, 2025, for the week of March 17, 2025
  • March 17, 2025, for the week of March 24, 2025

*Forms must be submitted on time to receive meal kits for the following week.

Meet Me at the Library, March 4th

We are excited to be partnering with WETA to host our next Meet Me at the Library event at the Kings Park Public Library!  This event is a great opportunity for families to listen to stories, play some games, and participate in activities to promote literacy, math, problem solving skills - and this month - MUSIC!  This event will showcase fun ways to integrate more music and rhythm into daily life and education. On Tuesday, March 4th, families are invited to the Kings Park Public Library (9000 Burke Lake Rd, Burke, VA 22015) at 5:00 PM for an hour-long session focusing on Music and Singing with some amazing Kings Park teachers and staff. This is a free event for Kings Park students.  Every student that attends will receive a free book from WETA.  We hope to see you in the Community Meeting Room at the Kings Park Public Library on Tuesday, March 4h at 5:00!

Spring Book Fair, Mar 6-14 Volunteers Needed

Our spring book fair is right around the corner! This year our fair will run from March 6th - March 14th. We are seeking volunteers to help our students with previewing the fair and making purchases. If you are able to donate your time during our fair we would love to have your help. Please sign up here. We are looking forward to another successful fair. 

Kings Park Kings Glen AAP

The Kings Park/Kings Glen AAP February Newsletter has been posted. 

Upcoming Events
  • Feb 26-27 Spring Photos
  • March 4 Meet me at the Library
  • Mar 6-14 Spring Book Fair
  • Mar 13 STEAM Night and Book Fair Night 
  • Mar 21 PTA Baskets and BINGO Night @LBSS
  • March 31 Eid al-Fitr no school for students
  • Apr 1 Teacher Workday no school for students
  • Apr 14-18 Spring Break no school for students

FCPS Calendar

Community News and Events PTA News

Our next Spirit Night is a Parents Night Out THIS Friday, February 21st from 6-8:30PM at Code Ninjas (sign-up at and later in the month we’ll have a weeklong spirit week at Chick-Fil-A from February 24-28.  Stay tuned for more information!

The PTA is busy putting together the slate of afterschool activities for the spring.  Fliers with details and registration information will be coming home soon, and all the information will be posted on our website when available.

InCourage will be hosting another Parents Night Out Spirit Night on Friday, March 14th from 6:30-8:30PM.  Pizza will be provided; $35/child.  Registration coming soon!

Mark your calendars: our annual Baskets & Bingo is coming up on Friday, March 21st from 6-8PM at Lake Braddock SS.  This family fun event will feature FREE bingo, and themed baskets that will be raffled off.  We’re looking for ONE or TWO more volunteers to help by becoming a "Classroom Basket Parent" for the preschool classes.  Sign-up here today!  Once you sign up, we’ll send you more details on how to get started.  If you have any questions, please email [email protected].  Own a local business and want to donate to our event?  Please reach out to Sarah at [email protected].

5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Tuesday, Feb 11th

GovDelivery1 week 4 days ago

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Weekly Kings Park ES News

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

TODAY 3 hour early release @ 12:25pm due to weather.

Winter is here, and with it comes the possibility of snow days! Today FCPS has closed all schools and offices 3 hours early. Please stay tuned for updates on additional potential closures or delays. 

Meanwhile, we’re celebrating Kindness Week at Kings Park ES! This is a wonderful time to spread joy, lend a helping hand, and show appreciation for those around us. Students will participate in fun activities that promote kindness, respect, and inclusivity.

Should additional school delays or cancelations occur this week, we will pick up our Spirit Days in action when we return. Additionally, we will also continue accepting food donations through Tuesday, February 18th, so keep bringing in those items to support our community.

Let’s make this a week full of warm hearts, even if the weather is chilly!

Kindness Spirit Week Continues

2/12:Workout Wednesday: Kindness is a muscle! “ Work Out” problems with kindness, wear workout clothes

2/13: Celebrate the Spirit of Kindness: Wear KP spirit wear or dress in KP colors: green and purple

2/14: Celebrate Peace, Love, and Kindness Day: wear tie dye or Valentines Day colors

Kindness Week Food Drive is February 10th-14th

Please share what you CAN by sending in canned and non perishable food. Boxes to collect food donations will be located in grade level hallways each weekday morning.  We will gladly accept non expired food any day of the week, but try our daily themes!  No glass items please. Proceeds will go to ECHO, an all -volunteer charity that provides food and household items to those in need.  The items listed below are on their “needed” list. KPES supports ECHO in February as they receive fewer donations this time of year. 

2/12 What’s For Dinner Wednesday?

Send in Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Macaroni and Cheese, Instant Potaoes, Bagged Rice, Bagged Lentils, Lemon Juice, Lime Juice, Salt and Pepper, Garlic Powder, Seasoning Spices,

2/13  Thankful for Breakfast Thursday

Send in Instant Coffee, Tea, Instant Hot Chocolate, Jelly, Honey, Cinnamon, Pancake Mix, Maple Syrup, Breakfast Bars, Juice Boxes, Canned Fruit, Oatmeal, Cereal

2/14 Favorite and Healthy Snacks Friday

Send in Granola Bars, Goldfish Crackers, Applesauce, Dried Fruit etc… 

Class Pictures and Individual Photos

Wednesday, Feb 26th for K and Third Grade 
Thursday, Feb 27th  for Grades 1 and 2.

Class Pictures and Individual Photos will be taken on February, 26th  for Kindergarten and Third Grade classes. Grades 1 and 2 photos will be taken on Thursday, February 27th. Information from Strawbridge Studios will be sent home in your student’s Take Home envelope on Friday, February 21st.

Class Pictures are $14.  If you choose to order a Class Picture, fill out the order form and send it back by Picture Day. Additional Class Picture Order Forms will be available in the office and on-line at

If you choose to order Individual Photos - send no money now (Individual Photos only). Strawbridge will send your student’s portrait back in a few weeks.  At that time, you can purchase the entire package or create your own combination of photos and return the non-purchased portraits back to Kings Park School.

Meet Me at the Library, March 4th

We are excited to be partnering with WETA to host our next Meet Me at the Library event at the Kings Park Public Library!  This event is a great opportunity for families to listen to stories, play some games, and participate in activities to promote literacy, math, problem solving skills - and this month - MUSIC!  This event will showcase fun ways to integrate more music and rhythm into daily life and education. On Tuesday, March 4th, families are invited to the Kings Park Public Library (9000 Burke Lake Rd, Burke, VA 22015) at 5:00 PM for an hour-long session focusing on Music and Singing with some amazing Kings Park teachers and staff. This is a free event for Kings Park students.  Every student that attends will receive a free book from WETA.  We hope to see you in the Community Meeting Room at the Kings Park Public Library on Tuesday, March 4h at 5:00!

Spring Book Fair, Mar 6-14 Volunteers Needed

Our spring book fair is right around the corner! This year our fair will run from March 6th - March 14th. We are seeking volunteers to help our students with previewing the fair and making purchases. If you are able to donate your time during our fair we would love to have your help. Please sign up here. We are looking forward to another successful fair. 

Kings Park Kings Glen AAP

The Kings Park/Kings Glen AAP February Newsletter has been posted. 

Upcoming Events
  • Feb 10-14 Kindness Week and Spirit Week
  • Feb 17 Presidents' Day no school for students
  • Feb 26-27 Spring Photos
  • Mar 2-14 Spring Book Fair
  • Mar 13 STEAM Night and Book Fair Night 
  • Mar 21 PTA Baskets and BINGO Night @LBSS
  • Apr 1 Teacher Workday no school for students
  • Apr 14-18 Spring Break no school for students

FCPS Calendar

Community News and Events PTA News

Our Valentine’s themed Monthly Staff Appreciation will take place at both schools on FRIDAY, February 14thSign up here to donate!

Our next Spirit Night is a Parents Night Out on Friday, February 21st from 6-8:30PM at Code Ninjas (sign-up at and later in the month we’ll have a weeklong spirit week at Chick-Fil-A from February 24-28.  Stay tuned for more information!

Our annual Baskets & Bingo is coming up on Friday, March 21st at Lake Braddock SS.  This family fun event will feature FREE bingo, and themed baskets that will be raffled off.  We’re looking for volunteers to help by becoming a "Classroom Basket Parent" to volunteer and work with the classroom teacher to communicate the class theme and gather donations, assemble the donated items and deliver them. Sign-up here today!  Once you sign up, we’ll send you more details on how to get started.  If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

The PTA is busy putting together the slate of afterschool activities for the spring.  Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

Our annual Kings Glen PTA Glow Dance is coming back on Friday, March 7th.  Stay tuned for more information.  Note that this is for Kings Glen students only.

We’d like to say a huge thank you to Jen Argenta for, once again, organizing such a great free Family Fitness Night on Friday at Kings Glen.  Thank you also to Rachna Sizemore Heizer for coming out to speak with us, and big thanks to Britta Berge Harrison, Leslie Brace, and Sara Sousa for agreeing to be on the nominating committee to find PTA board members for the upcoming school year at KP/KG.

5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Tuesday, Feb 4th

GovDelivery2 weeks 3 days ago

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Weekly Kings Park ES News

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

Reminder: Feb 10th KPES Early Release @ 12:25pm

All guardians were emailed and received a Talking Points message with the confirmation of their student's February 10th early release plan, using the November designation. If you need to indicate any change of how your child will be going home for our next early release Monday on 2/10/25, complete this survey. The survey will close at 4:00pm on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.

*If you have multiple children, please complete a form for each student that has a change.

You do not need to complete this form if there is no change from what was confirmed via email on 1/27/25.

For more information, please visit 

Kindness Spirit Week
February 10-14

2/10: Superhero Spirit Day: Dress as your favorite superhero and donate a can of soup to kick off our annual Food Drive * no masks or weapons

2/11: I Dream of Kindness Day: Wear pajamas and bring a stuffed animal to love

2/12:Workout Wednesday: Kindness is a muscle! “ Work Out” problems with kindness, wear workout clothes

2/13: Celebrate the Spirit of Kindness: Wear KP spirit wear or dress in KP colors: green and purple

2/14: Celebrate Peace, Love, and Kindness Day: wear tie dye or Valentines Day colors

Kindness Week Food Drive is February 10th-14th

Please share what you CAN by sending in canned and non perishable food. Boxes to collect food donations will be located in grade level hallways each weekday morning.  We will gladly accept non expired food any day of the week, but try our daily themes!  No glass items please. Proceeds will go to ECHO, an all -volunteer charity that provides food and household items to those in need.  The items listed below are on their “needed” list. KPES supports ECHO in February as they receive fewer donations this time of year. 

2/10 Monday is Superhero Spirit Day

Send in a Can of Soup, Packaged Ramen or Canned Fruits, Canned Vegetables, Canned Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce, Baked Beans, etc.

2/11 Tuna or Taco Tuesday

Send in Canned Tuna or Salmon, Canned Meat, Bagged Beans (Red, Black, and Garbanzo),Bagged Tortillas, Cooking Oil, Bagged Rice ( Jasmine, White, Basmati)

2/12 What’s For Dinner Wednesday?

Send in Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Macaroni and Cheese, Instant Potaoes, Bagged Rice, Bagged Lentils, Lemon Juice, Lime Juice, Salt and Pepper, Garlic Powder, Seasoning Spices,

2/13  Thankful for Breakfast Thursday

Send in Instant Coffee, Tea, Instant Hot Chocolate, Jelly, Honey, Cinnamon, Pancake Mix, Maple Syrup, Breakfast Bars, Juice Boxes, Canned Fruit, Oatmeal, Cereal

2/14 Favorite and Healthy Snacks Friday

Send in Granola Bars, Goldfish Crackers, Applesauce, Dried Fruit etc… 

Class Pictures and Individual Photos

Wednesday, Feb 26th for K and Third Grade 
Thursday, Feb 27th  for Grades 1 and 2.

Class Pictures and Individual Photos will be taken on February, 26th  for Kindergarten and Third Grade classes. Grades 1 and 2 photos will be taken on Thursday, February 27th. Information from Strawbridge Studios will be sent home in your student’s Take Home envelope on Friday, February 21st.

Class Pictures are $14.  If you choose to order a Class Picture, fill out the order form and send it back by Picture Day. Additional Class Picture Order Forms will be available in the office and on-line at

If you choose to order Individual Photos - send no money now (Individual Photos only). Strawbridge will send your student’s portrait back in a few weeks.  At that time, you can purchase the entire package or create your own combination of photos and return the non-purchased portraits back to Kings Park School.

Meet Me at the Library, March 4th

We are excited to be partnering with WETA to host our next Meet Me at the Library event at the Kings Park Public Library!  This event is a great opportunity for families to listen to stories, play some games, and participate in activities to promote literacy, math, problem solving skills - and this month - MUSIC!  This event will showcase fun ways to integrate more music and rhythm into daily life and education. On Tuesday, March 4th, families are invited to the Kings Park Public Library (9000 Burke Lake Rd, Burke, VA 22015) at 5:00 PM for an hour-long session focusing on Music and Singing with some amazing Kings Park teachers and staff. This is a free event for Kings Park students.  Every student that attends will receive a free book from WETA.  We hope to see you in the Community Meeting Room at the Kings Park Public Library on Tuesday, March 4h at 5:00!

Kings Park Kings Glen AAP

The Kings Park/Kings Glen AAP February Newsletter has been posted. 

Upcoming Events
  • Feb 7 PTA Family Fitness Night 6:30pm @Kings Glen
  • Feb 8 Reading Opens the World event (Spanish)
  • Feb 10 3-Hour Early Release
  • Feb 10-14 Kindness Week and Spirit Week
  • Feb 17 Presidents' Day no school for students
  • Feb 26-27 Spring Photos
  • Mar 2-14 Spring Book Fair
  • Mar 13 STEAM Night and Book Fair Night 
  • Mar 21 PTA Baskets and BINGO Night @LBSS
  • Apr 1 Teacher Workday no school for students
  • Apr 14-18 Spring Break no school for students

FCPS Calendar

Community News and Events PTA News

Our FREE PTA Family Fitness Night is coming up at Kings Glen THIS Friday, February 7th starting at 6:30PM.  Fill out the waiver online to save time at the event!  We’ll also have a PTA meeting to elect our nominating committee AND FCPS School Board Member Rachna Sizemore Heizer (Braddock District Representative) will discuss various school board items, including the boundary study, funding, and more. Sandy Anderson (Springfield District Representative) and Supervisor James Walkinshaw will attend our April 7th meeting at Kings Park/Zoom.

Join the KP/KG community for a thrilling afternoon of basketball on February 8th at 12PM in Capital One Arena as the Georgetown Hoyas take on the Seton Hall Pirates.  Tickets start at just $25, and by using this special link, you guarantee you'll be sitting with other KP/KG families for the game.  #HoyaSaxa

Our Valentine’s themed Monthly Staff Appreciation will take place at both schools on February 14thSign up here to donate!

Our next Spirit Nights is a Parents Night Out on Friday, February 21st from 6-8:30PM at Code Ninjas (sign-up at and later in the month we’ll have a weeklong spirit week at Chick-Fil-A from February 24-28.  Stay tuned for more information!

Our annual Baskets & Bingo is coming up on Friday, March 21st at Lake Braddock SS.  This family fun event will feature FREE bingo, and themed baskets that will be raffled off.  We’re looking for volunteers to help by becoming a "Classroom Basket Parent" to volunteer and work with the classroom teacher to communicate the class theme and gather donations, assemble the donated items and deliver them. Sign-up here today!  Once you sign up, we’ll send you more details on how to get started.  If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Our latest monthly PTA newsletter is out.  Check it out here!

5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Tuesday, Jan. 28th

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Weekly Kings Park ES News

This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow is a teacher workday, and there will be no school for students. Teachers will use this time for professional development and planning to ensure the best learning experiences for your children.

We look forward to seeing students back in school on Thursday. Thank you for your support!

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

Feb 10th KPES Early Release @ 12:25pm

On January 27th, all guardians were emailed a confirmation of their student's February 10th early release plan, using the November designation. If you need to indicate any change of how your child will be going home for our next early release Monday on 2/10/25, complete this survey.

*If you have multiple children, please complete a form for each student that has a change.

You do not need to complete this form if there is no change from what was confirmed via email on 1/27/25.

For more information, please visit 

Health Reminders

Flu season is here, and we all want to keep our students healthy and safe. Please remind your child to practice good hygiene, such as washing their hands frequently and covering their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

If your child is feeling unwell, especially with flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, or body aches, we ask that you to keep them at home to rest and recover and be fever free for 24 hours without medicaiton, before returning to school. This helps prevent the spread of illness to others.

Thank you for your support in keeping our school community healthy. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to reach out.

Upcoming Events
  • Jan 29th Teacher Workday no school for students
  • Feb 7 PTA Family Fitness Night 6:30pm @Kings Glen
  • Feb 8 Reading Opens the World event (Spanish)
  • Feb 10th 3-Hour Early Release - Students dismiss at 12:25pm
    *Confirmation emails were sent for how students are going home using the November selection. Any updates/changes will need to be communicated to the school.
  • Feb 17th Presidents' Day no school for students

FCPS Calendar

Community News and Events PTA News

Our FREE PTA Family Fitness Night is coming up at Kings Glen on Friday, February 7th starting at 6:30PM.  We’ll also have a PTA meeting to elect our nominating committee AND FCPS School Board Member Rachna Sizemore Heizer (Braddock District Representative) will discuss various school board items, including the boundary study, funding, and more.  Sandy Anderson (Springfield District Representative) and Supervisor James Walkinshaw will attend our April 7th meeting at Kings Park/Zoom.

We’re looking for candidates for the Nominating Committee.  Each year the PTA elects a Nominating Committee to put forth a slate of candidates for the PTA's next executive board.  The PTA plans to elect the nominating committee at our February 7 meeting.  Are you interested in serving on this committee?  Please contact PTA president, Charlotte Hannagan, at [email protected].  Similarly, please reach out to Charlotte if you have any interest in serving on the 2025-2026 PTA board.

Our next Spirit Nights are coming up in February.  We will have a Parents Night Out on Friday, February 21st at Code Ninjas and a weeklong spirit week at Chick-Fil-A from February 24-28.  Stay tuned for more information!

Join the KP/KG community for a thrilling afternoon of basketball on February 8th at 12PM in Capital One Arena as the Georgetown Hoyas take on the Seton Hall Pirates.  Tickets start at just $25, and by using this special link, you guarantee you'll be sitting with other KP/KG families for the game.  #HoyaSaxa

5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Tuesday, January 21st

GovDelivery1 month ago

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Weekly Kings Park ES News

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

Bundle up for Winter Recess

Winter weather is here! As a reminder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors. We monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories that may prevent children from being outside for activities like recess or physical education.

Visit Fairfax County’s website for Winter Weather/Extreme Cold safety tips

If you need assistance getting cold-weather clothing for your family, please contact our school social worker, Kaite Carroll at [email protected] or by calling 703-426-7019 . You may also contact Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.

To keep everyone’s winter gear with their owner, please write your child’s name on their items (coats, hats, gloves, scarves, etc.). Our lost and found is overflowing, and labeled gear makes reunions much easier!

Health Reminders

Flu season is here, and we all want to keep our students healthy and safe. Please remind your child to practice good hygiene, such as washing their hands frequently and covering their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

If your child is feeling unwell, especially with flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, or body aches, we ask that you to keep them at home to rest and recover and be fever free for 24 hours without medicaiton, before returning to school. This helps prevent the spread of illness to others.

Thank you for your support in keeping our school community healthy. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to reach out.

Upcoming Events
  • Jan 29th Teacher Workday no school for students
  • Feb 7 PTA Family Fitness Night 6:30pm @Kings Glen
  • Feb 10th 3-Hour Early Release - Students dismiss at 12:25pm
    *Confirmation emails will be sent for how students are going home using the November selection. Updates/changes will need to be communicated to the school.
  • Feb 17th Presidents' Day no school for students

FCPS Calendar

Community News

Parliament Pool Info

PTA News

Mark your calendars - our FREE PTA Family Fitness Night is coming up at Kings Glen on Friday, February 7th starting at 6:30PM.  We’ll also have a PTA meeting to elect our nominating committee AND FCPS School Board Members Sandy Anderson (Springfield District Representative) and Rachna Seizemore Heizer (Braddock District Representative) will discuss various school board items, including the boundary study, funding, and more.

We’re looking for candidates for the Nominating Committee.  Each year the PTA elects a Nominating Committee to put forth a slate of candidates for the PTA's next executive board.  The PTA plans to elect the nominating committee at our February 7 meeting.  Are you interested in serving on this committee?  Please contact PTA president, Charlotte Hannagan, at [email protected].  Similarly, please reach out to Charlotte if you have any interest in serving on the 2025-2026 PTA board.

Our next Spirit Nights are coming up in February.  We will have a Parents Night Out on Friday, February 21st at Code Ninjas and a weeklong spirit week at Chick-Fil-A from February 24-28.  Stay tuned for more information!

Thank you to Jen Argenta for organizing another highly successful Summer Camp Fair last week, and to Lisley Anco for putting together such a diverse slate of winter afterschool programs!

5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Tuesday, Jan 14th

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Weekly Kings Park ES News

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

Schools and offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, in recognizion of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.

On the third Monday in January each year, people in the United States join in honoring the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King. The holiday marks the birthday of King, who was the chief spokesperson for nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights Movement. 

Health Reminders

Flu season is here, and we all want to keep our students healthy and safe. Please remind your child to practice good hygiene, such as washing their hands frequently and covering their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

If your child is feeling unwell, especially with flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, or body aches, we ask that you to keep them at home to rest and recover and be fever free for 24 hours without medicaiton, before returning to school. This helps prevent the spread of illness to others.

Thank you for your support in keeping our school community healthy. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to reach out.

UPDATED KPES Winter Spirit Days Wednesday, January 15th- Winter Wonderland Wednesday!

Wear as much white, silver, and sparkle as you can!

ST Math Family Math Week

MIND Research is hosting family math week January 13 - January 17, 2025. During that time, students are encouraged to log onto the FCPS Family Math website to engage in math activities with their families at home that include stories with mathematical concepts connected to a variety of different math games from around the world. All activities are available in English and Spanish. 

Upcoming Events
  • Jan. 15th KP Spirit Day -  Wear white, silver or sparkles

  • Jan 15th KPKG PTA Summer Camp Fair *info below
  • Jan 20th MLK, Jr Day and Inauguration Day no school for students
  • Jan 29th Teacher Workday no school for students
  • Feb 7 PTA Family Fitness Night 6:30pm @Kings Glen
  • Feb 10th 3-Hour Early Release - Students dismiss at 12:25pm
    *Confirmation emails will be sent for how students are going home using the November selection. Updates/changes will need to be communicated to the school.
  • Feb 17th Presidents' Day no school for students

FCPS Calendar

PTA News

Our free Summer Camp Fair is coming up THIS Wednesday January 15th at 6PM at Kings Park.  Come meet with local vendors and explore their summer camp offerings for 2025!

There’s still time to register for our winter after school activities.  Sessions will start mid-January and run 6-7 weeks.  More information is available on our website.

Mark your calendars - our FREE PTA Family Fitness Night is coming up at Kings Glen on Friday, February 7th starting at 6:30PM.  We’ll also have a PTA meeting to elect our nominating committee AND FCPS School Board Members Sandy Anderson (Springfield District Representative) and Rachna Seizemore Heizer (Braddock District Representative) will discuss various school board items, including the boundary study, funding, and more.

5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Wednesday, January 8th

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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Weekly Kings Park ES News

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

Happy New Year!

We hope everyone had a restful winter break and stayed safe during the recent snow days. We are excited to welcome everyone back to school and to jumpstart the new year with energy and focus.

A special thank you goes out to our incredible custodial team, who worked tirelessly to clear the grounds and ensure our school is safe and ready for everyone’s return. We truly appreciate their dedication and hard work.

We are looking forward to a fantastic semester filled with growth, learning, and collaboration. As we return, please continue to check your email and FCPS communication channels for any updates regarding schedule adjustments due to the weather.

UPDATED KPES Winter Spirit Days Thursday, January 9th- KP Spirit Day Welcome the New Year ROAR like a lion!

Wear KP spirit -wear or our school colors: purple and green.

Friday, January 10th- Flannel and Fuzzy Socks 

Wear cozy flannels and fuzzy socks to snuggle into learning.

Monday, January 13th- Hats Off to the New Year!

Wear a cap or hat to school.

Tuesday, January 14th-Toasty Tuesday!

Dress in warm, comfy, cozy clothes like hoodies, sweatpants, sweaters, scarves etc.

Wednesday, January 15th- Winter Wonderland Wednesday!

Wear as much white, silver, and sparkle as you can!

ST Math Family Math Week

MIND Research is hosting family math week January 13 - January 17, 2025. During that time, students are encouraged to log onto the FCPS Family Math website to engage in math activities with their families at home that include stories with mathematical concepts connected to a variety of different math games from around the world. All activities are available in English and Spanish. 

Upcoming Events
  • Jan 9th KP Spirit Day  -Wear Purple and Green
  • Jan 10th KP Spirit Day - Wear Flannel and Fuzzy Socks
  • Jan 13th KP Spirit Day- Wear a hat or cap
  • Jan. 14th KP Spirit Day -Dress warm and cozy
  • Jan. 15th KP Spirit Day -  Wear white, silver or sparkles

  • Jan 15th KPKG PTA Summer Camp Fair *info below
  • Jan 20th MLK, Jr Day and Inauguration Day no school for students
  • Jan 29th Teacher Workday no school for students
  • Feb 10th 3-Hour Early Release - Students dismiss at 12:25pm
    *Confirmation emails will be sent for how students are going home using the November selection. Updates/changes will need to be communicated to the school.

FCPS Calendar

PTA News

Our free Summer Camp Fair is coming up on Wednesday January 15th at 6PM at Kings Park.  Come meet with local vendors and explore their summer camp offerings for 2025!

There’s still time to register for our winter after school activities.  Sessions will start mid-January and run 6-7 weeks.  More information is available on our website.

Baskets and Bingo 2025 is coming on March 21st!!  Planning has begun and the PTA is in search of committee members.  This is a low-burden commitment in which you will get to be a part of a group of veteran and new KP/KG parents to help plan a much-loved event. Email [email protected] if you're interested in being included in the first committee meeting this January.

We are searching for a few more volunteers who would like to serve on our 2025 Staff Appreciation Week Committee. Staff Appreciation Week is May 4-9, 2025 and committee meetings will begin in January. If you are interested, please sign up and reach out to Jen at [email protected] if you have any questions.

5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Tuesday, Dec 17th

GovDelivery2 months ago

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Weekly Kings Park ES News

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

Winter Break, Dec 21st-Jan 5th

As we prepare to embark on the winter break, we want to extend warmest wishes to each and every one of you. This season is a time for rest, reflection, and rejuvenation. Whether you're traveling to be with family or enjoying a peaceful staycation, know we are wishing you a delightful winter break filled with warmth, laughter, and moments of genuine happiness. The KPES office will be closed over winter break, but we look forward to seeing you in the new year. 

Noodle Night Success 

We had a very successful Noodle Night and Book Fair last Thursday. Thank you to all who contributed a noodle dish and supported our book fair. We also appreciate everyone who donated books to the Kings Park Community Library. 


PE/Music Open House through Dec 20th

It has been great seeing parents visiting our PE/Music open house times. It's not too late! Your child has PE and Music several times a week. Connect with your child's classroom teacher to confirm the times for your class so you can attend one before Friday, Dec 20th. 

Save the Dates for our Winter Spirit Days Friday, Dec. 20th Twas the Day Before Winter Break: Pajama Party!

Wear festive pajamas to school as we prepare for lots of rest over winter break.

Monday, Jan. 6 Hats Off to the New Year!

Wear a cap or hat to school.

Tuesday, Jan. 7th Toasty Tuesday!

Dress in warm, comfy, cozy clothes like hoodies, sweatpants, sweaters, scarves etc.

Wednesday, Jan. 8th Winter Wonderland Wednesday!

Think Snow! Wear as much white, silver, and sparkle as you can… bring on the snow!

Thursday, January 9th KP Spirit Day! Help the New Year ROAR in like a lion!

Wear KP spirit -wear or our school colors: purple and green.

Friday, January 10th Flannel and Fuzzy Socks Friday!

Wear cozy flannels and fuzzy socks to snuggle into learning.

ST Math Family Math Week

MIND Research is hosting family math week January 13 - January 17, 2025. During that time, students are encouraged to log onto the FCPS Family Math website to engage in math activities with their families at home that include stories with mathematical concepts connected to a variety of different math games from around the world. All activities are available in English and Spanish. 

To learn more about Family Math Nights, check out this video. We hope that all schools will help spread the word and work collaboratively to help us reach our goal of logging on for three million minutes as an FCPS community. 

Information will be available through the Elementary Schoology groups for teachers to easily copy over materials and links for students to participate with their families during math week in the New Year.

Advanced Academics Spotlight

Be sure to check out the November Kings Park/Kings Glen AAP Newsletter, linked on our Kings Park Website! Mrs. Mucciolo and Mrs. Rode will continue to offer office hours for questions about services and screening. You can find the link as well as a checklist for submitting full-time materials in this month's edition!

Kings Park ES Gift Card Drive

As the weather cools and we head into this season of gratitude, we are reaching out to ask for your help. We are currently collecting gift cards to assist Kings Park ES families in need. Gift cards to Giant, Walmart, and Target will go directly to families of students facing food insecurity and/or requiring assistance with necessities and seasonal support.  Even small donations can make a big impact. 

Gift cards are being collected now with a first due date of December 13th. Gift cards can be donated at any time and will be used to support our families throughout the year. They can be dropped off in a box in the front office or sent with your child in an envelope attention: School Counselors or School Social Worker. We are thankful to have such a generous and caring community and truly appreciate your support!

Questions? Please contact school counselors Corri Shusterman [email protected], Tracy Rossi [email protected], or social worker Katie Carroll [email protected].

Upcoming Events
  • Dec. 20th KP Spirit Day - Twas the Day Before Winter Break:
    Pajama Party Day
  • Dec 23rd-Jan 5th Winter Break no school for students
  • Jan. 7th KP Spirit Day - Toasty Tuesday - Dress warm and cozy

  • Jan. 8th KP Spirit Day - Winter Wonderland - Wear white, silver or sparkles

  • Jan 9th KP Spirit Day  -Wear Purple and Green
  • Jan 10th KP Spirit Day - Wear Flannel and Fuzzy Socks
  • Jan 20th MLK, Jr Day and Inauguration Day no school for students
  • Jan 29th Teacher Workday no school for students
  • Feb 10th 3-Hour Early Release - Students dismiss at 12:25.

FCPS Calendar

Community News

Join Girl Scouts

PTA News

Mark your calendars - our free Summer Camp Fair is coming up on January 15th at 6PM at Kings Park.  Come meet with local vendors and explore their summer camp offerings for 2025!

We are finalizing details for our winter after school activities.  Sessions will start mid-January and run 6-7 weeks.  A flier will be coming home soon, and more information is available on our website.

Baskets and Bingo 2025 is coming on March 21st!! Planning has begun and the PTA is in search of committee members.  This is a low-burden commitment in which you will get to be a part of a group of veteran and new KP/KG parents to help plan a much-loved event. Email [email protected] if you're interested in being included in the first committee meeting this January.

We are searching for volunteers who would like to serve on our 2025 Staff Appreciation Week Committee. Staff Appreciation Week is May 4-9, 2025 and committee meetings will begin in January. If you are interested, please sign up and reach out to Jen at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Thanks to Jen Argenta for organizing such a fun free virtual Tiny Chefs class!  We hope you enjoyed baking with us!  Thanks also to those that attended our General Membership Meeting last week - it was lovely to hear the KG strings perform, and we were also able to amend our budget to allocate the extra resources we raised during Booster.

The KP/KG PTA Board wishes the community a wonderful holiday season.  We are looking forward to an exciting calendar year ahead. Please reach out to [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering or being involved in any way with the PTA.

5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Tuesday, Dec 10th

GovDelivery2 months 1 week ago

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Weekly Kings Park ES News

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

Book Fair, Dec 5th- Dec 13th

Our winter book fair will take place from December 5th – December 13th. Students will have the opportunity to shop the fair from December 10th – December 13th during their library time as well as during the following times: 8:30 – 9:10 Tuesday – Friday, 11:45 – 12:15 Tuesday – Friday, 2:40 – 3:10 Tuesday – Thursday. We will also be open after school until 7:00pm on Thursday, December 12th. We strongly encourage parents to make an eWallet for their child through our Scholastic fair website, this will allow your child to shop the fair without having to bring in cash! Any unused funds get converted to a Scholastic gift card at the end of the fair. If you are interested in volunteering during our fair please sign up here.  We are looking forward to another great event!

Family Noodle and Book Fair Night, 
Dec 12th

Based on Noodles, Please! by Cheryl Yau Chepusova, Kings Park will be hosting a Family Noodle Night share in the cafeteria as part of our Book Fair Night on December 12th from 5:30pm-6:30pm.This will be a time to connect with other families and experience some delicious food. Please see the linked flyer that will also be sent home hard copy next Friday. If you are interested in contributing a noodle dish to taste, click here to sign up. Please bring all noodle dishes in a disposable container for ease of clean up (please note, no dishes will be returned). While the noodle event ends at 6:30pm, the Book Fair will be open until 7:00pm. We will also be collecting book donations for the Kings Park Library if you have books in good condition that are ready for a new owner, there will be a collection bin in the school lobby. We hope to see you there and ask that families who opt to participate in the Noodles event bring a water bottle for their own use or know cups will be available as will our bottle filling water stations.

Save the Dates for our Winter Spirit Days Friday, Dec. 20th Twas the Day Before Winter Break: Pajama Party!

Wear festive pajamas to school as we prepare for lots of rest over winter break.

Monday, Jan. 6 Hats Off to the New Year!

Wear a cap or hat to school.

Tuesday, Jan. 7th Toasty Tuesday!

Dress in warm, comfy, cozy clothes like hoodies, sweatpants, sweaters, scarves etc.

Wednesday, Jan. 8th Winter Wonderland Wednesday!

Think Snow! Wear as much white, silver, and sparkle as you can… bring on the snow!

Thursday, January 9/ KP Spirit Day! Help the New Year ROAR in like a lion!

Wear KP spirit -wear or our school colors: purple and green.

Friday, January 10/ Flannel and Fuzzy Socks Friday!

Wear cozy flannels and fuzzy socks to snuggle into learning.

Advanced Academics Spotlight

Be sure to check out the November Kings Park/Kings Glen AAP Newsletter, linked on our Kings Park Website! Mrs. Mucciolo and Mrs. Rode will continue to offer office hours for questions about services and screening. You can find the link as well as a checklist for submitting full-time materials in this month's edition! 

AAP Virtual Office Hours

Questions about the continuum of AAP services? Submit this form to join Mrs. Mucciolo and Mrs. Rode for AAP Virtual Office Hours on the following dates and times:

 (newly added) Dec 10th from 5 - 6 pm.

Window for AAP Full-Time Referrals Ends
Dec 15, 2024

Parents/guardians of KPES students in Grades 2-3 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to Jamie Mucciolo ([email protected]) no later than December 15, 2024.

The window to submit an AAP Full-Time Referral Form is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for full-time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time services can be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for AAP Full-Time services will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data points which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of professionals from various schools review materials to determine eligibility for full-time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Jamie Mucciolo in mid/late February.

For more information, parents may review Testing and Identification information on the AAP office website, as well as information about Full-Time services. Please reach out to Jamie Mucciolo via email at [email protected] with any further questions.

Kings Park ES Gift Card Drive

As the weather cools and we head into this season of gratitude, we are reaching out to ask for your help. We are currently collecting gift cards to assist Kings Park ES families in need. Gift cards to Giant, Walmart, and Target will go directly to families of students facing food insecurity and/or requiring assistance with necessities and seasonal support.  Even small donations can make a big impact. 

Gift cards are being collected now with a first due date of December 13th. Gift cards can be donated at any time and will be used to support our families throughout the year. They can be dropped off in a box in the front office or sent with your child in an envelope attention: School Counselors or School Social Worker. We are thankful to have such a generous and caring community and truly appreciate your support!

Questions? Please contact school counselors Corri Shusterman [email protected], Tracy Rossi [email protected], or social worker Katie Carroll [email protected].

Upcoming Events
  • Dec 12th Family Noodle and Book Fair Night
  • Dec 5th-13th Book Fair
  • Dec. 20th KP Spirit Day - Twas the Day Before Winter Break: Pajama Party Day

  • Dec 23rd-Jan 5th Winter Break no school for students
  • Jan. 7th KP Spirit Day - Toasty Tuesday - Dress warm and cozy

  • Jan. 8th KP Spirit Day - Winter Wonderland - Wear white, silver or sparkles

  • Jan 9th KP Spirit Day  -Wear Purple and Green
  • Jan 10th KP Spirit Day - Wear Flannel and Fuzzy Socks
  • Jan 20th MLK, Jr Day and Inauguration Day no school for students
  • Jan 29th Teacher Workday no school for students
  • Feb 10th 3-Hour Early Release - Students dismiss at 12:25.

FCPS Calendar

Community News

Join Girl Scouts

PTA News

The PTA spiritwear sale has been extended until THIS WEDNESDAY, December 11th.  Place your orders today!  Note that delivery will be in early January.  Please email [email protected] with any questions.

Our final event of the calendar year will be a FREE VIRTUAL Tiny Chefs class THIS FRIDAY December 13th at 6:30PM.  We will be learning how to make melted snowman cupcakes!  Register online today (password: VIRTUAL2024KPKG).

The PTA will be setting up hot cocoa bars for staff appreciation on Wednesday, December 18th at both schools.  Please check out our sign-up and consider contributing!  Please note there is both a Sign up and an Amazon Wishlist so make sure to look at both if you are interested in donating! Donations are due on Tuesday, December 17th.

Are you looking to say thank you to a teacher or staff member during the holiday season?  All Kings Park and Kings Glen staff have been given the option to fill out a “Staff Tastes & Tidbits” form with information such as favorite stores and restaurants, classroom needs/wants, favorite authors and more.  Staff responses can be viewed here.

Mark your calendars - our free Summer Camp Fair is coming up on January 15th at 6PM at Kings Park.  More information is coming soon!

5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Tuesday, Dec 3rd

GovDelivery2 months 2 weeks ago

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Weekly Kings Park ES News

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

Book Fair, Dec 5th- Dec 13th

Our winter book fair will take place from December 5th – December 13th. Students will have the opportunity to shop the fair from December 10th – December 13th during their library time as well as during the following times: 8:30 – 9:10 Tuesday – Friday, 11:45 – 12:15 Tuesday – Friday, 2:40 – 3:10 Tuesday – Thursday. We will also be open after school until 7:00pm on Thursday, December 12th. We strongly encourage parents to make an eWallet for their child through our Scholastic fair website, this will allow your child to shop the fair without having to bring in cash! Any unused funds get converted to a Scholastic gift card at the end of the fair. If you are interested in volunteering during our fair please sign up here.  We are looking forward to another great event!

Family Noodle and Book Fair Night, 
Dec 12th

Based on Noodles, Please! by Cheryl Yau Chepusova, Kings Park will be hosting a Family Noodle Night share in the cafeteria as part of our Book Fair Night on December 12th from 5:30pm-6:30pm.This will be a time to connect with other families and experience some delicious food. Please see the linked flyer that will also be sent home hard copy next Friday. If you are interested in contributing a noodle dish to taste, click here to sign up. Please bring all noodle dishes in a disposable container for ease of clean up (please note, no dishes will be returned). While the noodle event ends at 6:30pm, the Book Fair will be open until 7:00pm. We will also be collecting book donations for the Kings Park Library if you have books in good condition that are ready for a new owner, there will be a collection bin in the school lobby. We hope to see you there and ask that families who opt to participate in the Noodles event bring a water bottle for their own use or know cups will be available as will our bottle filling water stations.

Advanced Academics Spotlight

Be sure to check out the November Kings Park/Kings Glen AAP Newsletter, linked on our Kings Park Website! Mrs. Mucciolo and Mrs. Rode will continue to offer office hours for questions about services and screening. You can find the link as well as a checklist for submitting full-time materials in this month's edition! 

AAP Virtual Office Hours

Questions about the continuum of AAP services? Submit this form to join Mrs. Mucciolo and Mrs. Rode for AAP Virtual Office Hours on the following dates and times:

 (newly added) Dec 10th from 5 - 6 pm.

Window for AAP Full-Time Referrals Ends
Dec 15, 2024

Parents/guardians of KPES students in Grades 2-3 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to Jamie Mucciolo ([email protected]) no later than December 15, 2024.

The window to submit an AAP Full-Time Referral Form is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for full-time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time services can be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for AAP Full-Time services will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data points which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of professionals from various schools review materials to determine eligibility for full-time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Jamie Mucciolo in mid/late February.

For more information, parents may review Testing and Identification information on the AAP office website, as well as information about Full-Time services. Please reach out to Jamie Mucciolo via email at [email protected] with any further questions.

Kings Park ES Gift Card Drive

As the weather cools and we head into this season of gratitude, we are reaching out to ask for your help. We are currently collecting gift cards to assist Kings Park ES families in need. Gift cards to Giant, Walmart, and Target will go directly to families of students facing food insecurity and/or requiring assistance with necessities and seasonal support.  Even small donations can make a big impact. 

Gift cards are being collected now with a first due date of December 13th. Gift cards can be donated at any time and will be used to support our families throughout the year. They can be dropped off in a box in the front office or sent with your child in an envelope attention: School Counselors or School Social Worker. We are thankful to have such a generous and caring community and truly appreciate your support!

Questions? Please contact school counselors Corri Shusterman [email protected], Tracy Rossi [email protected], or social worker Katie Carroll [email protected].

Upcoming Events
  • Dec 3-4 PTA Spirit Night - Spartans
  • Dec 12 Family Noodle and Book Fair Night
  • Dec 4-13 Book Fair
  • Dec 23-Jan 5 Winter Break no school for students
  • Jan 20th MLK, Jr Day and Inauguration Day no school for students
  • Jan 29th Teacher Workday no school for students

FCPS Calendar

Community News

Join Girl Scouts

PTA News

The PTA spiritwear sale has been extended until NEXT WEDNESDAY, December 11th.  Place your orders today!  Note that delivery will be in early January.  Please email [email protected] with any questions.

KINGS PARK: Our next Spirit Night is coming up TONIGHT AND TOMORROW, December 3-4, at Spartan’s (9542 Burke Rd).  Mention that you’re supporting KP/KG when ordering (both in-person and online) for proceeds to come back to the PTA.

Our next PTA General Membership Meeting will take place NEXT Monday, December 9th at 6:30PM at Kings Glen (and on zoom: Meeting ID: 258-233-8875; Passcode: KPKG2020!)).  The KG strings will be performing as well!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Our final event of the calendar year will be a FREE VIRTUAL Tiny Chefs class on December 13th at 6:30PM.  We will be learning how to make melted snowman cupcakes!  Register online today (password: VIRTUAL2024KPKG).

The PTA will be setting up hot cocoa bars for staff appreciation on Wednesday, December 18th at both schools.  Please check out our sign-up and consider contributing!  Please note there is both a Sign up and an Amazon Wishlist so make sure to look at both if you are interested in donating! Donations are due on Tuesday, December 17th.

Thank you so much to everyone who donated candy and cards for our annual Treats for Troops initiative - we collected over 120 lbs of candy!

Are you looking to say thank you to a teacher or staff member during the holiday season?  All Kings Park and Kings Glen staff have been given the option to fill out a “Staff Tastes & Tidbits” form with information such as favorite stores and restaurants, classroom needs/wants, favorite authors and more.  Staff responses can be viewed here.

Our latest PTA newsletter is out - check it out!

5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Tuesday, Nov 26th

GovDelivery2 months 3 weeks ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Weekly Kings Park ES News

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

As we approach Thanksgiving, we are reminded about our strong and commited school community at KPES. We appreciate your partnership and continued support; Together We Grow! Enjoy the extended time with family and friends. 

Book Fair, Dec 4th- Dec 13th

Our winter book fair will take place from December 5th – December 13th. Students will have the opportunity to shop the fair from December 10th – December 13th during their library time as well as during the following times: 8:30 – 9:10 Tuesday – Friday, 11:45 – 12:15 Tuesday – Friday, 2:40 – 3:10 Tuesday – Thursday. We will also be open after school until 7:00pm on Thursday, December 12th. We strongly encourage parents to make an eWallet for their child through our Scholastic fair website, this will allow your child to shop the fair without having to bring in cash! Any unused funds get converted to a Scholastic gift card at the end of the fair. If you are interested in volunteering during our fair please sign up here.  We are looking forward to another great event!

Family Noodle and Book Fair Night, 
Dec 12th

Based on Noodles, Please! by Cheryl Yau Chepusova, Kings Park will be hosting a Family Noodle Night share in the cafeteria as part of our Book Fair Night on December 12th from 5:30pm-6:30pm.This will be a time to connect with other families and experience some delicious food. Please see the linked flyer that will also be sent home hard copy next Friday. If you are interested in contributing a noodle dish to taste, click here to sign up. Please bring all noodle dishes in a disposable container for ease of clean up (please note, no dishes will be returned). While the noodle event ends at 6:30pm, the Book Fair will be open until 7:00pm. We will also be collecting book donations for the Kings Park Library if you have books in good condition that are ready for a new owner, there will be a collection bin in the school lobby. We hope to see you there and ask that families who opt to participate in the Noodles event bring a water bottle for their own use or know cups will be available as will our bottle filling water stations.

Advanced Academics Spotlight

Be sure to check out the November Kings Park/Kings Glen AAP Newsletter, linked on our Kings Park Website! Mrs. Mucciolo and Mrs. Rode will continue to offer office hours for questions about services and screening. You can find the link as well as a checklist for submitting full-time materials in this month's edition! 

AAP Virtual Office Hours

Questions about the continuum of AAP services? Submit this form to join Mrs. Mucciolo and Mrs. Rode for AAP Virtual Office Hours on the following dates and times:

  • Dec 3rd 11:30am-12:00pm
  • AND (newly added)
    Dec 10th from 5 - 6 pm.
Window for AAP Full-Time Referrals Ends
Dec 15, 2024

Parents/guardians of KPES students in Grades 2-3 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to Jamie Mucciolo ([email protected]) no later than December 15, 2024.

The window to submit an AAP Full-Time Referral Form is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for full-time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time services can be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for AAP Full-Time services will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data points which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of professionals from various schools review materials to determine eligibility for full-time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Jamie Mucciolo in mid/late February.

For more information, parents may review Testing and Identification information on the AAP office website, as well as information about Full-Time services. Please reach out to Jamie Mucciolo via email at [email protected] with any further questions.

Kings Park ES Gift Card Drive

As the weather cools and we head into this season of gratitude, we are reaching out to ask for your help. We are currently collecting gift cards to assist Kings Park ES families in need. Gift cards to Giant, Walmart, and Target will go directly to families of students facing food insecurity and/or requiring assistance with necessities and seasonal support.  Even small donations can make a big impact. 

Gift cards are being collected now with a first due date of December 13th. Gift cards can be donated at any time and will be used to support our families throughout the year. They can be dropped off in a box in the front office or sent with your child in an envelope attention: School Counselors or School Social Worker. We are thankful to have such a generous and caring community and truly appreciate your support!

Questions? Please contact school counselors Corri Shusterman [email protected], Tracy Rossi [email protected], or social worker Katie Carroll [email protected].

Upcoming Events
  • Nov 27-29 Thanksgiving Holiday, school closed for students and staff
  • Dec 3-4 PTA Spirit Night - Spartans
  • Dec 12 Family Noodle and Book Fair Night
  • Dec 4-13 Book Fair
  • Dec 23-Jan 5 Winter Break no school for students
  • Jan 20th MLK, Jr Day and Inauguration Day no school for students
  • Jan 29th Teacher Workday no school for students

FCPS Calendar

Community News

Join Girl Scouts

PTA News

The PTA spiritwear store is open and will close on December 1stPlace your orders today!  Note that delivery will be in early January.  Please email [email protected] with any questions.

Our next Spirit Night is coming up on December 3-4 at Spartan’s (9542 Burke Rd).  Mention that you’re supporting KP/KG when ordering (both in-person and online) for proceeds to come back to the PTA.

Our next PTA General Membership Meeting will take place on Monday, December 9th at 6:30PM at Kings Glen (and on zoom).  The KG strings will be performing as well!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Our final event of the calendar year will be a FREE VIRTUAL Tiny Chefs class on December 13th at 6:30PM.  We will be learning how to make melted snowman cupcakes!  Register online today (password: VIRTUAL2024KPKG).

The PTA will be setting up hot cocoa bars for staff appreciation on Wednesday, December 18th at both schools.  Please check out our sign-up and consider contributing!  Please note there is both a Sign up and an Amazon Wishlist so make sure to look at both if you are interested in donating! Donations are due on Tuesday, December 17th.

Are you looking to say thank you to a teacher or staff member during the holiday season?  All Kings Park and Kings Glen staff have been given the option to fill out a “Staff Tastes & Tidbits” form with information such as favorite stores and restaurants, classroom needs/wants, favorite authors and more.  Staff responses can be viewed here.

5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Tuesday, Nov 19th

GovDelivery3 months ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Weekly Kings Park ES News

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

Federal Impact Aid Survey needed for all FCPS Students  

Thank you to the families who have already submitted a form, on-line or by paper.

The Federal Impact Aid Survey is available to complete online.  Paper copies of this survey will be sent home this Friday for any family that has not yet filled out the form on-line. If you have multiple children in Fairfax County Public Schools, please fill out a form for each childIf you are completing the paper copy, sign and date the form and return the paper copy to your student’s teacher.   Your support will ensure that we receive the resources for which we are eligible.

 The Federal Impact Aid program provides money to districts that enroll federally connected students. Help FCPS secure funding from the Impact Aid Program by helping us identify: 

  • Military families.
  • Federally connected families.
  • Families living on a military base.

If filling out the form on-line:

  • Step 1: Log in to your SIS ParentVUE account. If you don’t have a SIS ParentVUE account, contact Kings Park for an activation letter. Remember that only the enrolling parent can fill out the on-line Impact Aid Survey form.
  • Step 2: After you’ve logged into your ParentVue Account, look for the ‘Online Packets’ link at the top of the page. Click ‘Online Packets.’
  • Step 3: Next, click the ‘Federal Impact Aid Survey’ button on the bottom of the page. This will take you to the Impact Aid Survey for you to complete.
  • You will know you have completed all of the forms when you get to the final page, and see a green check next to each of their names.

Thank you for filling out a form for your student (s). Your information will be kept strictly confidential. 

Open House in Specials

This year, our specialists will have open house weeks throughout the year. In November, we kick off our specialist open house with ART!

Come join us in the art studio during your child's regularly scheduled art class Nov 18th-26th and enjoy an art class with your young artist. Guests will join in with our creative process and learn more about the art making process. We hope to see you there! Parents should please check in with the office before coming to the art rooms.

Reminders will come from your teacher regarding your regularly scheduled art time. Reach out to your classroom teacher or our art teachers, Ms. Vasudevan and Mrs. Hagan if you have questions.

Meet Me at the Library Returns, Tonight Nov 19th

We are excited to be bringing Meet Me at the Library back to Kings Park for another year!  We are partnering with WETA and hosting our first Meet Me at the Library event for the 24-25 school year.

This event is a  great opportunity for families to listen to stories, play some games, and participate in activities to promote literacy, math, and problem solving skills. 

On Tuesday, Nov. 19th, families are invited to the Kings Park Public Library (9000 Burke Lake Rd, Burke, VA 22015) at 5:00pm for an hour-long session focusing on Storytelling and STEAM with some amazing Kings Park teachers and staff. This is a free event for Kings Park students.  Every student that attends will receive a free book from WETA. 

We hope to see you in the Community Meeting Room at the Kings Park Public Library on Tuesday, Nov. 19th at 5:00!

Makeup Photo Day, Wednesday, Nov. 20th

All students were photographed in October for school records. Make up photo day is Wednesday, November 20th. Students who ordered photos will received their photo packets this week.

Students who were absent on the October photo day or students enrolled after October 23rd will be photographed for school records on November 20th  An optional photo order form will be sent home for these students. Students who would like to retake their photo may return the packet to their teacher by November 20th.  For questions you can go to and enter the on-line code FM451746 or you can follow the directions on the attached flier.

Book Fair, Dec 4th- Dec 13th

Our first book fair of the year is quickly approaching, and we are looking for volunteers to help us make this event a success. Our fair will be set up the afternoon of December 4th and run through Friday, December 13th. Each year our wonderful parent volunteers help to make this event a success by helping students create wishlists, shop, setting up and taking down our fair. Please sign up to volunteer here. Stay tuned for more information regarding sales and eWallet set up coming soon.

Advanced Academics Spotlight

Be sure to check out the November Kings Park/Kings Glen AAP Newsletter, linked on our Kings Park Website! Mrs. Mucciolo and Mrs. Rode will continue to offer office hours for questions about services and screening. You can find the link as well as a checklist for submitting full-time materials in this month's edition! 

Reminder: Window for AAP Full-Time Referrals Ends December 15, 2024

Parents/guardians of KPES students in Grades 2-3 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to Jamie Mucciolo ([email protected]) no later than December 15, 2024.

The window to submit an AAP Full-Time Referral Form is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for full-time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time services can be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for AAP Full-Time services will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data points which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of professionals from various schools review materials to determine eligibility for full-time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Jamie Mucciolo in mid/late February.

For more information, parents may review Testing and Identification information on the AAP office website, as well as information about Full-Time services. Please reach out to Jamie Mucciolo via email at [email protected] with any further questions.

Kings Park ES Gift Card Drive

As the weather cools and we head into this season of gratitude, we are reaching out to ask for your help. We are currently collecting gift cards to assist Kings Park ES families in need. Gift cards to Giant, Walmart, and Target will go directly to families of students facing food insecurity and/or requiring assistance with necessities and seasonal support.  Even small donations can make a big impact. 

Gift cards are being collected now with a first due date of December 13th. Gift cards can be donated at any time and will be used to support our families throughout the year. They can be dropped off in a box in the front office or sent with your child in an envelope attention: School Counselors or School Social Worker. We are thankful to have such a generous and caring community and truly appreciate your support!

Questions? Please contact school counselors Corri Shusterman [email protected], Tracy Rossi [email protected], or social worker Katie Carroll [email protected].

Upcoming Events
  • Nov 18-26 Art Specials Open House
  • Nov 19 Meet me at the Library at the Kings Park Public Library 5-6pm
  • Nov 20 Photo Make up Day
  • Nov 27-29 Thanksgiving Holiday, school closed for students and staff
  • Dec 3-4 PTA Spirit Night - Spartans
  • Dec 4-13 Book Fair

FCPS Calendar

Community News

Join Girl Scouts

PTA News

The PTA spiritwear store is now openPlace your orders today!  Note that delivery will be in early January.  Please email [email protected] with any questions.

Thank you to Jen Argenta for organizing the Family Photo Shoot, and Lisley Anco for organizing the Treats for Troops!

Mark your calendars for our next Spirit Night coming up on December 3-4 at Spartan’s.  More information is coming soon!

Our next PTA General Membership Meeting will take place on Monday, December 9th at 6:30PM at Kings Glen (and on zoom).  The KG strings will be performing as well!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Our final event of the calendar year will be a FREE VIRTUAL Tiny Chefs class on December 13th at 6:30PM.  We will be learning how to make melted snowman cupcakes!  Stay tuned for more details.

Are you looking to say thank you to a teacher or staff member during the holiday season?  All Kings Park and Kings Glen staff have been given the option to fill out a “Staff Tastes & Tidbits” form with information such as favorite stores and restaurants, classroom needs/wants, favorite authors and more.  Staff responses can be viewed here.

Keep in Touch with the PTA.  A great way to keep in touch with the PTA is to subscribe to our emails and/or join our Facebook group. Our website also features an updated PTA events calendarJoin the PTA.  We hope all members of the KP/KG community will consider joining the PTA this school yearJoin on our website!

5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Tuesday, Nov 12th

GovDelivery3 months 1 week ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Weekly Kings Park ES News

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

Veterans Day Reflection

We honor and thank the brave men and women who have served in the military to protect our freedom and way of life. Veterans Day is a special time to recognize their courage, sacrifice, and dedication. Let’s take a moment to reflect on their service and remember the important role they play in keeping our country safe. Please see these Kings Park Veterans Day celebration highlights from November 8th.

To all Veterans—thank you for your service!

Federal Impact Aid Survey needed for all FCPS Students  

The Federal Impact Aid Survey is available to complete online.  Paper copies of this survey will be sent home this Friday for any family that has not yet filled out the form on-line. If you have multiple children in Fairfax County Public Schools, please fill out a form for each childIf you are completing the paper copy, sign and date the form and return the paper copy to your student’s teacher.   Your support will ensure that we receive the resources for which we are eligible.

 The Federal Impact Aid program provides money to districts that enroll federally connected students. Help FCPS secure funding from the Impact Aid Program by helping us identify: 

  • Military families.
  • Federally connected families.
  • Families living on a military base.

If filling out the form on-line:

  • Step 1: Log in to your SIS ParentVUE account. If you don’t have a SIS ParentVUE account, contact Kings Park for an activation letter. Remember that only the enrolling parent can fill out the on-line Impact Aid Survey form.
  • Step 2: After you’ve logged into your ParentVue Account, look for the ‘Online Packets’ link at the top of the page. Click ‘Online Packets.’
  • Step 3: Next, click the ‘Federal Impact Aid Survey’ button on the bottom of the page. This will take you to the Impact Aid Survey for you to complete.
  • You will know you have completed all of the forms when you get to the final page, and see a green check next to each of their names.

Thank you for filling out a form for your student (s). Your information will be kept strictly confidential. 

Open House in Specials

This year, our specialists will have open house weeks throughout the year. In November, we kick off our specialist open house with ART!

Come join us in the art studio during your child's regularly scheduled art class Nov 18th-26th and enjoy an art class with your young artist. Guests will join in with our creative process and learn more about the art making process. We hope to see you there! Parents should please check in with the office before coming to the art rooms.

Reminders will come from your teacher regarding your regularly scheduled art time. Reach out to your classroom teacher or our art teachers, Ms. Vasudevan and Mrs. Hagan if you have questions.

Meet Me at the Library Returns, Nov 19th

We are excited to be bringing Meet Me at the Library back to Kings Park for another year!  We are partnering with WETA and hosting our first Meet Me at the Library event for the 24-25 school year.

This event is a  great opportunity for families to listen to stories, play some games, and participate in activities to promote literacy, math, and problem solving skills. 

On Tuesday, Nov. 19th, families are invited to the Kings Park Public Library (9000 Burke Lake Rd, Burke, VA 22015) at 5:00pm for an hour-long session focusing on Storytelling and STEAM with some amazing Kings Park teachers and staff. This is a free event for Kings Park students.  Every student that attends will receive a free book from WETA. 

We hope to see you in the Community Meeting Room at the Kings Park Public Library on Tuesday, Nov. 19th at 5:00!

Makeup Photo Day, Wednesday, Nov. 20th

All students were photographed in October for school records. Make up photo day is Wednesday, November 20th. Students who ordered photos will received their photo packets this week.

Students who were absent on the October photo day or students enrolled after October 23rd will be photographed for school records on November 20th  An optional photo order form will be sent home for these students. Students who would like to retake their photo may return the packet to their teacher by November 20th.  For questions you can go to and enter the on-line code FM451746 or you can follow the directions on the attached flier.

Book Fair, Dec 4th- Dec 13th

Our first book fair of the year is quickly approaching, and we are looking for volunteers to help us make this event a success. Our fair will be set up the afternoon of December 4th and run through Friday, December 13th. Each year our wonderful parent volunteers help to make this event a success by helping students create wishlists, shop, setting up and taking down our fair. Please sign up to volunteer here. Stay tuned for more information regarding sales and eWallet set up coming soon.

Advanced Academics Spotlight

Be sure to check out the November Kings Park/Kings Glen AAP Newsletter, linked on our Kings Park Website! Mrs. Mucciolo and Mrs. Rode will continue to offer office hours for questions about services and screening. You can find the link as well as a checklist for submitting full-time materials in this month's edition! 

Reminder: Window for AAP Full-Time Referrals Ends December 15, 2024

Parents/guardians of KPES students in Grades 2-3 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to Jamie Mucciolo ([email protected]) no later than December 15, 2024.

The window to submit an AAP Full-Time Referral Form is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for full-time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time services can be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for AAP Full-Time services will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data points which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of professionals from various schools review materials to determine eligibility for full-time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Jamie Mucciolo in mid/late February.

For more information, parents may review Testing and Identification information on the AAP office website, as well as information about Full-Time services. Please reach out to Jamie Mucciolo via email at [email protected] with any further questions.

Kings Park ES Gift Card Drive

As the weather cools and we head into this season of gratitude, we are reaching out to ask for your help. We are currently collecting gift cards to assist Kings Park ES families in need. Gift cards to Giant, Walmart, and Target will go directly to families of students facing food insecurity and/or requiring assistance with necessities and seasonal support.  Even small donations can make a big impact. 

Gift cards are being collected now with a first due date of December 13th. Gift cards can be donated at any time and will be used to support our families throughout the year. They can be dropped off in a box in the front office or sent with your child in an envelope attention: School Counselors or School Social Worker. We are thankful to have such a generous and caring community and truly appreciate your support!

Questions? Please contact school counselors Corri Shusterman [email protected], Tracy Rossi [email protected], or social worker Katie Carroll [email protected].

Upcoming Events
  • Nov 11th - No school for students and staff Veterans Day Holiday
  • Nov 16-17 PTA Family Photo Shoot and Collection of Treats for Troops
  • Nov 18 3 Hour Early Release Day Dismissal 12:25pm
  • Nov 18-26 Art Specials Open House
  • Nov 19 Meet me at the Library at the Kings Park Public Library 5-6pm
  • Nov 20 Photo Make up Day
  • Nov 27-29 Thanksgiving Holiday, school closed for students and staff
  • Dec 3-4 PTA Spirit Night - Spartans
  • Dec 4-13 Book Fair

FCPS Calendar

PTA News

Sign Up for our upcoming Family Photo Shoot.  Like previous years, Susan Johnson will be taking pictures outside of Kings Park on November 16 & 17, from 1:30-4PM.  $40 per 2 digital images; 20% of the proceeds go to the PTA.

Our very popular Treats for Troops initiative is coming back again!  Stop by the KPES entrance on November 16 & 17, from 1:30-4PM (yes, same time-frame as the Family Photo Shoot!), to drop off thank you cards and your leftover Halloween candy to be sent to the troops!  

Please consider signing up for a shift to collect the candy!

The PTA spiritwear store is now openPlace your orders today!  Note that delivery will be in early January.  Please email [email protected] with any questions.

Mark your calendars for our next Spirit Night coming up on December 3-4 at Spartan’s.  More information is coming soon!

Keep in Touch with the PTA.  A great way to keep in touch with the PTA is to subscribe to our emails and/or join our Facebook group. Our website also features an updated PTA events calendarJoin the PTA.  We hope all members of the KP/KG community will consider joining the PTA this school yearJoin on our website!


5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

Kings Park News Tuesday, Nov 5th

GovDelivery3 months 2 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Weekly Kings Park ES News

Please refer to this calendar link for all FCPS dates for the 2024-2025 school year to support planning.FCPS School Year Calendar. Additionally, the KPES linked One Pager Return to School Information includes key school links and resources. 

Veterans Day Celebration - Friday, Nov 8th

Veterans Day is approaching, and KPES will be celebrating with a special Veterans Day Honor Walk on this Friday, November 8th. We warmly invite veterans, their families, and their KPES students to join us at 8:30am in the Kings Park Cafeteria for a morning of camaraderie, a musical slideshow, and donuts!

Program Highlights:

  • 8:30am-8:50am: Enjoy donuts, a heartfelt slideshow, and some camaraderie in the cafeteria.
  • 8:50am- 9:00am: Join us for the Veterans Honor Walk through the halls of Kings Park Elementary.

If you plan to attend the Veterans Day Honor Walk, please let us know using this link. Your response will help us with planning—we hope to see you there!

Open House in Specials

This year, our specialists will have open house weeks throughout the year. In November, we kick off our specialist open house with ART!

Come join us in the art studio during your child's regularly scheduled art class Nov 18th-26th and enjoy an art class with your young artist. Guests will join in with our creative process and learn more about the art making process. We hope to see you there! Parents should please check in with the office before coming to the art rooms.

Reminders will come from your teacher regarding your regularly scheduled art time. Reach out to your classroom teacher or our art teachers, Ms. Vasudevan and Mrs. Hagan if you have questions.

Advanced Academics Spotlight

Be sure to check out the November Kings Park/Kings Glen AAP Newsletter, linked on our Kings Park Website! Mrs. Mucciolo and Mrs. Rode will continue to offer office hours for questions about services and screening. You can find the link as well as a checklist for submitting full-time materials in this month's edition! 

Reminder: Window for AAP Full-Time Referrals Ends December 15, 2024

Parents/guardians of KPES students in Grades 2-3 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to Jamie Mucciolo ([email protected]) no later than December 15, 2024.

The window to submit an AAP Full-Time Referral Form is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for full-time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time services can be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for AAP Full-Time services will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data points which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of professionals from various schools review materials to determine eligibility for full-time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Jamie Mucciolo in mid/late February.

For more information, parents may review Testing and Identification information on the AAP office website, as well as information about Full-Time services. Please reach out to Jamie Mucciolo via email at [email protected] with any further questions.

Kings Park ES Gift Card Drive

As the weather cools and we head into this season of gratitude, we are reaching out to ask for your help. We are currently collecting gift cards to assist Kings Park ES families in need. Gift cards to Giant, Walmart, and Target will go directly to families of students facing food insecurity and/or requiring assistance with necessities and seasonal support.  Even small donations can make a big impact. 

Gift cards are being collected now with a first due date of December 13th. Gift cards can be donated at any time and will be used to support our families throughout the year. They can be dropped off in a box in the front office or sent with your child in an envelope attention: School Counselors or School Social Worker. We are thankful to have such a generous and caring community and truly appreciate your support!

Questions? Please contact school counselors Corri Shusterman [email protected], Tracy Rossi [email protected], or social worker Katie Carroll [email protected].

Meet Me at the Library Returns, Nov 19th

We are excited to be bringing Meet Me at the Library back to Kings Park for another year!  We are partnering with WETA and hosting our first Meet Me at the Library event for the 24-25 school year.

This event is a  great opportunity for families to listen to stories, play some games, and participate in activities to promote literacy, math, and problem solving skills. 

On Tuesday, Nov. 19th, families are invited to the Kings Park Public Library (9000 Burke Lake Rd, Burke, VA 22015) at 5:00pm for an hour-long session focusing on Storytelling and STEAM with some amazing Kings Park teachers and staff. This is a free event for Kings Park students.  Every student that attends will receive a free book from WETA. 

We hope to see you in the Community Meeting Room at the Kings Park Public Library on Tuesday, Nov. 19th at 5:00!

Upcoming Events
  • Nov 8th - Veterans Day Event 
  • Nov 11th - No school for students and staff Veterans Day Holiday
  • Nov 16-17 PTA Family Photo Shoot and Collection of Treats for Troops
  • Nov 19 Meet me at the Library at the Kings Park Public Library 5-6pm

FCPS Calendar

PTA News

Sign Up for our upcoming Family Photo Shoot.  Like previous years, Susan Johnson will be taking pictures outside of Kings Park on November 16 & 17, from 1:30-4PM.  $40 per 2 digital images; 20% of the proceeds go to the PTA.

Our very popular Treats for Troops initiative is coming back again!  Stop by the KPES entrance on November 16 & 17, from 1:30-4PM (yes, same time-frame as the Family Photo Shoot!), to drop off thank you cards and your leftover Halloween candy to be sent to the troops!

Mark your calendars for our next Spirit Night coming up on December 3-4 at Spartan’s.  More information is coming soon!

Our latest newsletter is out and available electronically.  Check it out!

Keep in Touch with the PTA.  A great way to keep in touch with the PTA is to subscribe to our emails and/or join our Facebook group. Our website also features an updated PTA events calendarJoin the PTA.  We hope all members of the KP/KG community will consider joining the PTA this school yearJoin on our website!

5400 Harrow Way Springfield, VA 22151 | Main Office: 703-426-7000
Attendance: 703-426-7070 | Web | Twitter

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